Thursday 19 December 2013

accessories for dancing Flamenco

Hello today I will continue write about of Flamenco but try this blog about the accessories that you can use for dancing Flamenco.
In general there two accessory commonly use, there is the flower that you must in your heir and earring there should be big, there is could be rings or other big earring.
The other accessory you should use when you want and the dance allow you. There accessory are (1) hand-held fan (2) Manila shawl and (3) castanets.
Hand-held fan, this accessory do you could use when you are dancing, you should fan or when the dance end you must open. Too exist a big hand-held fan, and it`s name is “Pericón” and learn to use is very difficult.
The second accessory is the Manila shawl, this have two ways to use as clothes or as accessory for the dance. When you use it as your clothing should be covering your trunk.
Finally the castanets, this are the percussion instrument and are made of wood, this have rope and tied in the thumb, the castanets are played in pare, one in each hand, and is not the same the hand in that your use, because depend that sound on the hand you use it.

also you could use skirt for complement your dance, you should take and move, this can be long and its name is “bata de cola”



the new about election of Chile

Hello today I will write about news the newspaper the guardian. The chosen news it is about the victory of Michelle Bachelet in the election the last Sunday in Chile.
The news is about of important reform that Bachelet committed in her campaign.  Two principally (1) tax reform and (2) educations reform.
Michelle Bachelet won the election whit a percentage of 62% the total votes. This percentage it`s is the major since the return of democracy in 1989.
The great victory of Bachelet over Evelyn Matthei (candidate of Alianza, conservative coalition) allows you to press for do the large reforms. And she returns to the “Moneda” (Government house) after four years out of the country.
The good-quality schooling in Chile it`s only for the people more rich, because they can pay. The massing student protest that demand change in the education and has involved the low in the popularity of the president Sebastián Piñera ( conservation president of Chile). The other important proposal of Michelle it`s the tax reform for lower inequality in Chile, because of the country of OCDE, Chile it`s more inequality in the ranking.
The other commitments of campaign it`s the change the Constitution and electoral system, it`s inherited of military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.

The last month the “Nueva Mayoría” in the parliamentary election achieved simple majority in the congress it`s allow do change as for example the tax reform, but not for educational reform.

Michelle Bachelet

the "palos" of Flamenco

Hello today I will continue write about Flamenco. Specifically about “palos”, there is the differents rhythm and dancing that have the flamenco.
Not all flamenco dancing are equals, for this reasons are divided “palos”, there are families that rhythm.  In general, the “compás” is that twelve beats.
The “palos” more common are “alegría”, “soleá”, “seguiriya”, and “bulerías” .
The “alegría” as its name implies it a dance cheerful and the lyric of the song speak about of love. The “compás” is that twelve beats; the “soleá” have the same “compás” but in the alegría its more fast, the “cante” of “soleá” it`s more deep and the lyric of the song speak about lack of affection, loneliness and feelings associated with the sadness.
The “bulerías” too the “compás” is that twelve beats, but it`s more fast that “alegría”, the “bulería” it`s a dance festive, and the gypsy marriages or party dance much this dance, or too in the “fin de fiesta” when the end show the “bailaores” dancing “bulería”.
The “seguiriya” anlike that previous dance, the “compás” it`s not twelve beats. And lyric of the song speak are very tragic or sad for example:
“me quedé
Yo me quedé dormía
Y se han llevao
A la pobre de mí mare
Y yo no la he sentío”

That this it´s the principal dance of Flamenco. 

Wednesday 18 December 2013

the flamenco

Hello today I will write about Flamenco. This is a dance Spanish, that born principally in the people gypsy that today they are who practice it more, the flamenco is in their culture and lifestyle.
The flamenco is a dance that in their form it`s very sentimental, it have very this dance has not only conveys many emotions for the guitar and “cante”, also in the form of dance. For the dancing flamenco is necessary to feel the dance.
In general the staging is composed for a guitarist or more, a percussionist that who play the “cajón” (instrument of percussion) or the “palmas” (sound de palms with pace to the “compás", the rhythm), the other character it`s “cantaor” or “cantaora” (singer) and finally the “bailaor” or “bailaora” (dancer). All these elements should sound so armonic. In addition, when there is dancer everyone else, the guitarist, percussionist and cantaor, direct their action towards the dancing.

For the dancing flamenco you need shoes with heels, and this have nail in the toe the shoes and in the heels, thus the flamenco shoes have the sound. The other garment that you need is a long skirt. 

A countries I'd like to visit

Hello today I will write about a country that I would like to go, I think there are many countries for explore. Personally I Would like to go three countries particularly (1) Cuba (2) Russia and (3) China or Japan.
Why Cuba?, because Cuba is a especial country, for different reasons, the climate, beach, music and life Cuban, the other reasons and the more important has to do with the government Cuban and his institutional organization and finally to know a different form that socials relations.
I would like to do there to go for a walk, go to the beach, know people from there, go to the university and buy books.
I would like to go Russia because I like know that Red Square, embalmed Lenin and the Moscow metro because it is the beautiful world and the kremlin.  Too I like know the other sites interesting.
Finally China or Japan, I would like to go for know the Asiatic culture, although they are very different countries. About that country I don`t know much, only that in Japan all is ordered.

I would like only travel tourist. 

Thursday 28 November 2013


Today I write about the English language and the English class.
I have been four English courses, I think of the English class in this faculty it´s fine, but have some problems, because I think that isn't educational have four hours that one class, independent of which subject.
I prefer to have English class every day but class more little, that this form you could practices more and it´s more educational and systematic, because like that you could speak and studies every days one little.
About the use of blogs, I think it´s a good idea and method that learn English, because you have write and think in English, too it´s very funny.
I think that the aspects of my English that I need to be improved are principally the vocabulary, because I don´t know many words, and this don´t can speak and understands very sentences, for example in a sentences I don´t know three or four word and many time this don´t can understands the sentences. My plan for improved is study the vocabulary and practices in my house and do exercise in English, I have a book for learn English, that I hope use. Too I thought watch films subtitled and speak in English but never done, in the summer I want do it.
 Outside the English class I not use the English in these days, or practically nothing, because I don´t listen music in English, for my subjects I don´t need write in English and in my daily life I don´t need the English.
I think that it´s very necessary learn English, but I don´t have ability for the idioms, but as I written before this summer I will learn English. 

Thursday 21 November 2013

the year

Hello:Today I write about that this year.In general I am not the persons that think about that the years, and really my life it´s very normal. Those good things that have happened in this years, the first thing was to go on vacation whit my boyfriend it´s a very vacation; we went to Buenos Aires, Montevideo, the Uruguayan coast and Asunción. Too this years has been good whit my boyfriend, and a moth ago we were anniversary, we are together since 2010.Too this year been a good years in the university, and this is the penultimate years of studies.Also these years I shared many moments whit my parents specially with my mam.Really I don´t know that situations did not go so well, I don’t remember. In general has been a good year.  In relation to achievements in 2013 I don’t know, really I don’t the persons that think about that the next years and that the end the years take a last years.I live the years and don´t plan my years, I have a goal normal, for example finish the university years good and pass all subjects the typical.I think that I've done everything I wanted, plus I have the achievements that have to do with a project shared with others rather than as a personal project.For finish that end of years don´t been good, it´s more I think that it´s the worse end of years, but the that´s life and one only can get on whit life, and try remember the good moment of de life and think that life goes.