Wednesday 18 December 2013

the flamenco

Hello today I will write about Flamenco. This is a dance Spanish, that born principally in the people gypsy that today they are who practice it more, the flamenco is in their culture and lifestyle.
The flamenco is a dance that in their form it`s very sentimental, it have very this dance has not only conveys many emotions for the guitar and “cante”, also in the form of dance. For the dancing flamenco is necessary to feel the dance.
In general the staging is composed for a guitarist or more, a percussionist that who play the “cajón” (instrument of percussion) or the “palmas” (sound de palms with pace to the “compás", the rhythm), the other character it`s “cantaor” or “cantaora” (singer) and finally the “bailaor” or “bailaora” (dancer). All these elements should sound so armonic. In addition, when there is dancer everyone else, the guitarist, percussionist and cantaor, direct their action towards the dancing.

For the dancing flamenco you need shoes with heels, and this have nail in the toe the shoes and in the heels, thus the flamenco shoes have the sound. The other garment that you need is a long skirt. 

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