Thursday 24 October 2013

Today I write about the environment. I think that in Chile it don’t of first importance the environment who society, because we have the other problems but it is very important too the environment.
I think that the people learn about environmentally friendly practices, in the school principally when little in school primary, also your learn with the family or also with activities in out of doors because generally in this activities be group pro-environment or initiative governmental or municipal that in the same way.
I have incorporated some recycling in my habits, because nearby my house in the little square, I get to go recycle the plastic, paper and glass bottle. Too I use a bike or too walk but don’t necessarily because the environment, but because I like to bike and it´s more cheap.
I never joined any eco-organizations, only once that I signed for the whales, but I don´t would take part in an eco-organizations because I´m already take part in a group that have an objective a society different.
I only doing it´s recycle plastic, paper and glass bottle and use the bike as means of transport, for this moment I don´t would do nothing more, only if the city would be more prepare that care for the environment.
I don´t have nothing for reduce my carbon footprint, only use the bike, but I don’t know how know my carbon footprint, but really I don´t uneasy for this, in this moment of my life.

I think that in our society lack have more conscience about the problem that the environment. 


  1. I think that school should be incorporated leanings many more than there are now, including caring for the environment.

  2. Two things:
    The first one: When I was a child I love the activities out doors at school. The second one: is that I like your collective (they are so "lolos") hahaha <3
